Themes of Previous World Veterinary Day Events

The World Veterinary Day is an annual event which is celebrated on the last Saturday of April. This event praises and recognizes the work of veterinarians all over the world and aims at improving the animal health and welfare. The World Veterinary Association and the World Organisation for Animal Health organize the World Veterinary Day Award to reward the veterinary clinic or organization which has shown the greatest contribution to the selected annual theme. The World Veterinary Day Award was created in 2008 and every year there is a different theme. So, we decided to list all of the previous World Veterinary Day themes.

Themes of Previous World Veterinary Day Events

For 2018, the theme was “The role of the veterinary profession in sustainable development to improve livelihoods, food security and safety.” The theme was chosen as a result of the global challenges, including the growing world population and the rise in demand.

In 2017, “Antimicrobial resistance – from awareness to action” was chosen to be the theme of the World Veterinary Day.

The selected theme for World Veterinary Day 2016 was “Continuing education with a One Health focus.” This year’s WVD’s theme focused on veterinarians and their education in more One Health topics, such as food safety, zoonotic diseases, and antimicrobial resistance.

For 2015, the annual theme of the World Veterinary Day was “Vector-borne diseases with zoonotic potential.” The theme was selected because the vector-borne zoonotic diseases became a major public health concern in all world regions. In fact, there weren’t limited only to tropical and subtropical areas.

In 2014, the selected theme for the World Veterinary Day Award was “Animal welfare.”

“Vaccination” was the selected theme for World Veterinary Day Award 2013.

The 2012 edition of the World Veterinary Day was with a theme “Antimicrobial resistance.”

In 2011, the theme which gathered the veterinary professionals for World Veterinary Day was “Rabies prevention.”

The 2010 edition of the World Veterinary Day aimed to raise awareness of the connection between animal and public health through the theme “One World, One Health: more cooperation between veterinarians and physicians.”

The World Veterinary Day 2009 was celebrated and came with an annual theme “Veterinarians and livestock farmers, a winning partnership.”

The first ever World Veterinary Day Award and theme selected for World Veterinary Day 2008 was “Celebrate our diversity.”

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